Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Propaganda Maps

Propaganda maps are not accurate they only show certain points.

This map is the city of chicago and its trying to show foreclosure saying that there is only 15,000 in the city.

Propaganda maps are just over exaggeration with maps.

Hypsometric maps

Hypsometric maps show elevation by contour lines and shading.

This is a map of Bitola showing elevation of places within its country.

The diferent shades of color shows the height of elevation.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

PLSS maps

The public land survey system (plss) is a way of dividing public domain lands into townships.
This PLSS map was actually created by french settlers to separate land parcels among water ways.

The map illustrates how land was divided to give land owners equal distribution for habitation.
http://www.nlsc.gov.tw/websites/nlsceng/make_page.aspx?la=2&le=2&li=53&sno=152Cadastral maps shows boundaries and ownership of land parcels.

This map shows that 90 percent of Taiwan has been surveyed and registered.

This map of Taiwan has been divided into 16 counties and show major cities.

Thematic maps


Thematic maps are summaries of graphical information.

This map shows a distribution of population among states in the United States from least populated to most populated.

The map shows a trend of population being more dense in the mid west and coastline regions.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Topographic Maps

This map shows cliffs, hills valleys, contour lines and elevation.

From this map we can tell alot about elevation specifically.

The elevation varies in this pattern.

Planimetric Maps

This map shows horizontal features like roads, trees, and buildings.

The interest on this map is underground storage tanks.

Mental maps

This map is showing a neighborhood in Coal City, Illinois.

This map explains what the person who made it was interested in and what they remember.

There is not a pattern in this map.