Sunday, December 5, 2010

stem and leaf plot maps

Stem and leaf plot are designed to measure things up in numerical ways

index value plot maps

This is an index value plot of the streamflow in North Carolina. It shows whether the streamflow was above average (wet), average, or dry from 1999-2008.

Scatter plots allow you to visualize the variation in one variable relative to the variation in a second variable.

This is a scatter plot of North America

Box plot

 This map is able to help the reader by showing the average, or mean, which is the boxed area, but also gives the full range by presenting some of the outliers, through the extended lines.

Star plot

 The above map is called a star plot and is a somewhat unknown but very useful tool in the world of mapping because it is able to take a characteristic that has many variables in it and display them at the same time so that the various types and varieties within a larger subgroup can be seen.

Accumulative line graph

Accumative line graph shows increase or decrease in values.

bilateral graph
  bilateral graph depicts increases on one side of a zero line and a decreases on the other side.